Fueling Athletic Excellence: The Impact of Functional Training

Personalized Athlete Training Programs

Personalized athlete training programs are a game-changer for athletes aiming to up their game in their chosen sports. These programs are all about you—your speed, strength, agility, stamina, and injury resistance.

Custom Training Plans

Creating a custom training plan means designing workouts that fit you like a glove. Acceleration Australia specializes in these tailored programs to boost athletic performance. They start with initial assessments, checking out your movement patterns, flexibility, vertical jump, power, and speed. This helps coaches whip up goal-specific plans just for you.

Assessment TypeMeasurement
Movement PatternsBiomechanics
FlexibilityRange of Motion
Vertical JumpPower Output
SpeedTime Trials
AgilityQuickness Drills

These assessments give a clear picture of what you’re good at and where you need work. Based on this, they create a training program that hits your goals, whether it’s boosting power with explosive strength workouts or sharpening agility with quickness drills.

Keeping Tabs on Progress

Tracking your progress is key. Acceleration Australia does performance testing before and after training to see how you’re improving and tweak things for the best results. This scientific approach lets you see real progress over time.

You can log into Acceleration’s platform to check your results, like how much faster or stronger you’ve gotten. Keeping track of this stuff keeps you motivated and helps adjust your training as needed.

Training MetricInitial MeasurementPost-Training Measurement
Speed (100m)12.5 sec11.8 sec
Vertical Jump20 in24 in
Agility (Shuttle Run)10 sec9 sec
Power (Bench Press)150 lbs180 lbs

Customization and progress tracking make sure your training is spot-on and matches your goals. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a pro, personalized training can help you reach new heights in your sport. For more info on specialized training programs, check out our section on athletic movement training.

Acceleration Australia’s Specialized Programs

Acceleration Australia is all about boosting your game, whether you’re a newbie or a pro. They offer programs to help you move quicker, jump higher, and get stronger, all tailored to your sport.

Boost Your Athletic Performance

Want to be faster, stronger, and more agile? Acceleration Australia has got you covered. They start with athletic performance testing to see where you’re at and track your progress (Acceleration Australia). This way, your training is spot-on for improving your strength, agility, and endurance.

Their programs focus on:

  • Speed
  • Agility
  • Conditioning
  • Strength
  • Power
  • Flexibility

Using the US college athlete model, their experienced coaches create goal-specific programs based on your test results. They measure things like movement patterns, flexibility, vertical jump, power, and speed (Acceleration Australia).

Personalized Coaching for Every Athlete

Whether you’re an 8-year-old beginner or an Olympic hopeful, Acceleration Australia has a program for you. They offer personalized training plans that fit your goals, be it sports performance or rehab (Acceleration Australia).

Key features of their coaching include:

  • Custom training plans
  • Progress tracking with your own login
  • Pre and post-training assessments

Here’s a quick look at what they focus on:

Training FocusWhat It Does
Vertical Jump TrainingBoosts explosive power and jump height
Speed TrainingImproves sprinting and movement efficiency
Strength TrainingBuilds sport-specific muscle strength and endurance
Agility DrillsEnhances quickness and multi-directional movement
Flexibility WorkIncreases range of motion and prevents injuries

For more details, check out the links.

With scientific testing and personalized coaching, Acceleration Australia makes sure you get the best training for your needs. Their expert guidance helps you reach your peak performance.

Why Functional Training Rocks for Athletes

Functional training isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a game-changer for athletes. It focuses on exercises that boost your strength, power, speed, and agility, making you a better all-around athlete.

Pump Up Your Strength and Power

Functional training is your ticket to getting stronger and more powerful. Forget those isolated muscle workouts; this is about movements that mimic what you do in your sport.

  1. Get Stronger: Exercises like squats, lunges, and deadlifts are your best friends. They target the muscles you actually use in sports, making you stronger and less likely to get hurt.
  2. Boost Power: Add some explosive moves like box jumps and medicine ball throws to your routine. These exercises help you generate force quickly, which is key for those sudden bursts of speed or jumps.
Training TypeExample ExercisesBenefits
Strength TrainingSquats, Deadlifts, LungesBuilds muscle strength, lowers injury risk
Power TrainingBox Jumps, Medicine Ball ThrowsIncreases explosive power, improves force generation

Want more tips on getting stronger and more powerful? Check out our pages on sport-specific strength training and explosive strength development.

Speed and Agility: Your Secret Weapons

Speed and agility are must-haves for any athlete. Functional training can help you get faster and more agile, giving you the edge over your competition.

  1. Speed Up: Drills like sprints, resisted runs, and high-intensity interval training can make you faster. These exercises condition your muscles and heart to react quicker.
  2. Get Agile: Agility drills like ladder drills and cone drills train your body to change direction quickly and efficiently. This is crucial for sports that require quick movements.
Training TypeExample ExercisesBenefits
Speed TrainingSprints, Resisted RunsBoosts top-end speed, enhances acceleration
Agility TrainingLadder Drills, Cone DrillsImproves quickness, enhances direction change efficiency

For more on getting faster and more agile, check out our resources on reactive agility training and multidirectional speed training.

Functional training that’s tailored to your sport can make a huge difference. By focusing on exercises that improve your strength, power, speed, and agility, you’ll not only perform better but also stay injury-free. For more personalized training programs, explore our athletic fitness program and other specialized routines.

Training Sessions and Locations

Booking Options and Availability

At Acceleration Australia, we’ve got a bunch of booking options to fit your training style. Whether you’re into one-on-one or prefer a buddy system with one-on-two sessions, you can pick from 45-minute or 60-minute slots. We’re open Monday to Saturday at two handy spots: Auchenflower and Chandler, Australia.

Session TypeDurationAvailabilityLocations
1-on-145 minutesMon-SatAuchenflower, Chandler
1-on-160 minutesMon-SatAuchenflower, Chandler
1-on-245 minutesMon-SatAuchenflower, Chandler
1-on-260 minutesMon-SatAuchenflower, Chandler

Booking your session is a breeze through Acceleration Australia’s online platform, making sure you snag your favorite time and place.

Precision Fitness with Accelaware

To get the most out of your functional training for athletes, we use a custom fitness cloud platform called Accelaware. This tool helps you track your progress, cutting through the noise of the fitness world (Acceleration Australia).

With Accelaware, you can keep an eye on:

Using Accelaware, your training becomes more effective and efficient, helping you hit your athletic goals quicker. For more on specific techniques, check out our articles on plyometric training and core training for athletes.

If you’re aiming to up your game, Acceleration Australia’s precision fitness with Accelaware gives you the tools and insights you need. Whether you’re working on your vertical jump training or nailing rotational power training, Accelaware is there to guide you.

Book your session today and start your journey to athletic greatness with Acceleration Australia.

Looking for a coach for functional training? We can help – located in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast.

Our personal trainers are located in Brisbane and offer individualised training from multiple locations, offering both in-person and online remote training tailored to your unique needs and goals. Here’s how you can get started:

  • Book Your Personal Trainer Located in Brisbane Today: Discover the power of individualized coaching by visiting our Individualised Training page.
  • Explore Personal Training Options: Elevate your fitness with our expert coaches. For more details, visit our Personal Training page.
  • Contact Us: Ready to take the first step? Simply fill out our Contact Us form or give us a call at 07 3859 6000.

Our personal trainers located in Brisbane aren’t always in the office during non-training hours so please leave them a voicemail if you can’t get ahold of them!

  • For all enquiries and questions please call: 3859 6000 (Select 1)
  • Acceleration Brisbane Central, Auchenflower: 3859 6000 (Select 2)
  • Acceleration Brisbane East, Chandler: 3859 6000 (Select 3)
  • Acceleration Gold Coast, Southport: 3859 6000 (Select 4)
  • Acceleration Brisbane North, Sandgate: 3859 6000 (Select 5)

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