The Benefits of Athletic Movement Training

Personalized Athletic Training Programs

Scientific Testing for Progress Monitoring

Acceleration Australia is the go-to spot in South East Queensland for athletes who want to see real progress. They use scientific testing to track how you’re doing before and after a few months of training. This isn’t just guesswork; it’s about making sure you’re getting the best results possible (Acceleration Australia). They look at things like how you move, how flexible you are, how high you can jump, and how fast you can go.

Test TypeWhat It MeasuresWhen It’s Done
Movement PatternsFlexibility and Range of MotionBefore and After Training
Vertical JumpPower and ExplosivenessBefore and After Training
Speed TestingAcceleration and Top SpeedBefore and After Training

These tests give the coaches the info they need to tweak your training plan so you can hit your goals. Want to jump higher? Check out our tips on vertical jump training.

Personalized Training Plans for Athletes

At Acceleration Australia, the training programs are all about making you stronger, faster, and more enduring (Acceleration Australia). The coaches craft these plans based on your test results, so it’s all about what you need.

Whether you’re an 8-year-old newbie or an Olympic pro, Acceleration Australia has a plan for you (Acceleration Australia). These aren’t just gym workouts; they’re full-on performance plans built from over 20 years of experience. Since 2000, they’ve got loads of data and success stories to prove it (Acceleration Australia).

Curious about adding functional movements to your routine? Check out our guide on functional training for athletes.

Specialized Training Services

Want to up your game? Specialized training services are your secret weapon. These programs zero in on key areas like strength, agility, endurance, and conditioning. Let’s break down how they can help you hit your athletic targets.

Strength and Agility Boost

Strength and agility are the bread and butter of athletic training. A solid program hones these skills to elevate your overall game. At Acceleration Australia, we craft personalized plans to pump up your strength and agility, crucial for athletes at any level (Acceleration Australia).

Strength training isn’t just about bulking up. It builds muscle, strengthens bones, and stabilizes joints. Plus, it amps up your power for explosive moves like jumping and sprinting. Agility training, meanwhile, sharpens your ability to change direction on a dime.

Here’s a taste of what we offer:

Training AspectKey ExercisesBenefits
StrengthSquats, Deadlifts, Bench PressMore muscle, stronger bones
AgilityLadder Drills, Cone Drills, Shuttle RunsFaster moves, sharper turns

Endurance and Conditioning Boost

Endurance and conditioning keep you going strong, game after game. Acceleration Australia offers specialized training to ramp up these areas (Acceleration Australia).

Endurance training tunes up your heart and lungs for long-lasting activity. Conditioning drills push your body to perform at peak levels for longer stretches. Both are must-haves for athletes who need to stay sharp through long matches or grueling practices.

Check out these services:

Training AspectKey ExercisesBenefits
EnduranceLong-distance running, Cycling, SwimmingBetter heart health, more stamina
ConditioningSprints, Circuit Training, HIITPeak performance, quicker recovery

By focusing on strength, agility, endurance, and conditioning, you can seriously up your game. Whether you’re a young rookie or an Olympic pro, these specialized training services are tailored to meet your needs and help you crush your goals. For more tips and tricks, check out our articles on functional training for athletes and athletic fitness programs.

Custom Coaching Programs

Get Your Core in Gear

Want to up your game? It’s all about getting your core muscles to work like a well-oiled machine. We’re talking about those muscles and tissues that keep you steady and strong. This isn’t just about looking good—it’s about moving better and staying injury-free when you’re pushing your limits.

Think of exercises like core training for athletes, balance and coordination exercises, and dynamic stability exercises. These aren’t just fancy terms; they’re your ticket to better strength, agility, and endurance.

Exercise TypeFocus AreaBenefits
Core TrainingCore MusclesBetter Stability, Fewer Injuries
Balance ExercisesProprioceptionImproved Coordination, Smooth Moves
Dynamic StabilityWhole BodyMore Strength, Quick Reflexes

Want to dig deeper? Check out functional training for athletes and biomechanics improvement for more ways to get your body working like a pro.

Bust Those Knots for Better Performance

Ever feel like your muscles are tied up in knots? That’s where trigger point work comes in. This technique zeroes in on those tight spots to ease pain, boost flexibility, and get your muscles firing on all cylinders. Perfect for athletes dealing with the wear and tear of intense training.

You can use tools like foam rollers, massage balls, or even get some hands-on help. Make this a part of your routine before and after workouts to keep your muscles in top shape. Curious? Dive into our foam rolling techniques for athletes for a closer look.

Foam RollerSelf-MassageLess Soreness, More Flexibility
Massage BallTargeted PressurePain Relief, Muscle Boost
Hands-On TechniquesProfessional TherapyDeep Muscle Release, Faster Recovery

Adding trigger point work to your routine can make a big difference. For more tips on staying at your peak, check out athlete fatigue management and injury resilience training.

By focusing on core engagement and trigger point work, you can tweak your training to fit your needs and smash your athletic goals. Whether it’s speed, strength, or agility you’re after, these techniques can help you hit new highs in your performance.

Acceleration Australia Offerings

Speed, Power, and Flexibility Training

Acceleration Australia’s got your back with training programs to boost your speed, power, and flexibility. Whether you’re a newbie or an Olympian, they’ve got something for everyone (Acceleration Australia). Here’s what they focus on:

  • Speed Training: Perfect your running form, get faster acceleration, and hit top speeds. Essential for sports where you need to be quick off the mark.
  • Power Training: Build explosive power with plyometric training, explosive power training, and rate of force development training.
  • Flexibility Training: Improve your range of motion to prevent injuries and perform better with sports-specific mobility drills.

These programs use the latest techniques and tools to help you reach your peak.

Training ComponentFocus AreaKey Benefits
Speed TrainingRunning form, accelerationImproved quickness and agility
Power TrainingExplosive movementsEnhanced strength and power
Flexibility TrainingRange of motionReduced injury risk, better performance

Customized Programs for Different Goals

Every athlete’s got their own goals, and Acceleration Australia gets that. They offer customized programs to hit your specific targets, whether it’s boosting your vertical jump, enhancing functional training for athletes, or building sport-specific strength.

Here’s what they can help you with:

These programs are tailored to make sure you get the best training for your needs.

GoalTraining FocusExamples
Strength and PowerMuscular strength, explosive powerResistance training, eccentric strength training
Agility and QuicknessMovement efficiencyQuickness and agility drills, reactive agility training
Endurance and StaminaSustained performanceHigh-intensity interval training, anaerobic capacity building
Injury PreventionInjury resilienceInjury resilience training, athlete fatigue management

For more info on how Acceleration Australia can help you smash your athletic goals, check out their customized training programs.

Looking for a coach for athletic movement training? We can help – located in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast.

Our personal trainers are located in Brisbane and offer individualised training from multiple locations, offering both in-person and online remote training tailored to your unique needs and goals. Here’s how you can get started:

  • Book Your Personal Trainer Located in Brisbane Today: Discover the power of individualized coaching by visiting our Individualised Training page.
  • Explore Personal Training Options: Elevate your fitness with our expert coaches. For more details, visit our Personal Training page.
  • Contact Us: Ready to take the first step? Simply fill out our Contact Us form or give us a call at 07 3859 6000.

Our personal trainers located in Brisbane aren’t always in the office during non-training hours so please leave them a voicemail if you can’t get ahold of them!

  • For all enquiries and questions please call: 3859 6000 (Select 1)
  • Acceleration Brisbane Central, Auchenflower: 3859 6000 (Select 2)
  • Acceleration Brisbane East, Chandler: 3859 6000 (Select 3)
  • Acceleration Gold Coast, Southport: 3859 6000 (Select 4)
  • Acceleration Brisbane North, Sandgate: 3859 6000 (Select 5)

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