Unlocking the Benefits of Plyometric Training

Personalized Athletic Training

Custom Training Programs

Want to up your game? Custom training programs are your ticket. Whether you’re chasing gold medals or just trying to get back on your feet, Acceleration Australia has got you covered. We craft programs for everyone—from 8-year-old rookies to seasoned pros, even Olympians (Acceleration Australia).

These programs zero in on what makes you tick. We’re talking flexibility, core strength, recovery, speed, agility, and running form. By focusing on what you need, we help you hit your peak. Curious about athletic movement training? Check out our dedicated section.

Strength and Conditioning

Strength and conditioning? It’s the bread and butter of any athlete’s routine. At Acceleration Australia, our coaches whip up personalized plans to boost your performance. We target the nitty-gritty of your sport to make sure you’re covered from all angles (Acceleration Australia).

Our sessions aren’t just about lifting weights. We dive into:

  • Flexibility: Stretching your limits
  • Core Stability: Building a rock-solid core for balance and power
  • Recovery: Using smart recovery techniques to keep injuries at bay
  • Speed and Agility: Making you quicker on your feet
Training ElementFocus Area
FlexibilityStretching Limits
Core StabilityBalance and Power
RecoveryInjury Prevention
Speed and AgilityQuickness and Reaction

Want to get faster? Check out our quickness and agility drills. Plus, we use a cool fitness cloud platform called Accelaware to track your progress and fine-tune your workouts (Acceleration Australia).

For more on strength and conditioning tailored to your sport, visit our sport-specific strength training page. This all-in-one approach not only boosts your performance but also builds a tough, well-rounded body.

Boost Your Game

Plyometric training is your secret weapon for taking your athletic skills to the next level. This section dives into how you can get faster, more agile, stronger, and last longer with some killer exercises.

Get Fast and Nimble

Speed and agility are game-changers. Plyometric training, with its explosive moves like jumps and bounds, can seriously up your game. Acceleration Australia’s Speed and Agility programs have proven to make athletes faster and more agile by focusing on running form, mental cues, and other key aspects (Acceleration Australia).

Here are some must-try plyometric exercises to get you moving quicker and smoother:

  • Box Jumps: Boosts explosive power and quickness.
  • Lateral Bounds: Sharpens side-to-side movement and balance.
  • Depth Jumps: Builds explosive strength and reaction time.
  • Tuck Jumps: Increases vertical jump height and leg power.

For more drills and routines, check out our section on quickness and agility drills.

ExerciseWhat It DoesSuggested Reps/Sets
Box JumpsExplosive Power3×10
Lateral BoundsSide-to-Side Movement3×12
Depth JumpsReaction Time4×8
Tuck JumpsVertical Jump3×10

Power Up and Keep Going

Power and endurance are key for staying strong throughout your game. Plyometric training can help you build both, making you a tougher competitor. Acceleration Australia’s programs focus on boosting strength, power, flexibility, and conditioning (Acceleration Australia).

Check out these plyometric exercises for power and endurance:

  • Medicine Ball Slams: Builds upper body power and core strength.
  • Plyometric Push-Ups: Enhances upper body explosiveness.
  • Bounding: Improves leg power and cardiovascular endurance.
  • Broad Jumps: Increases horizontal jump distance and leg strength.

For more tips on building power, visit our section on explosive power training.

ExerciseWhat It DoesSuggested Reps/Sets
Medicine Ball SlamsUpper Body Power3×15
Plyometric Push-UpsUpper Body Strength3×12
BoundingLeg Power4×10
Broad JumpsHorizontal Power3×10

Adding these exercises to your routine can make a big difference in your performance. Explore more about functional training for athletes to tailor your workouts even more.

Injury Prevention and Recovery

Staying injury-free and bouncing back quickly is key to keeping your athletic game strong. With the right training and recovery tricks, you can dodge injuries and get back on your feet faster.

How to Avoid Injuries

Dodging injuries isn’t just about luck; it’s about being smart with your training. Here’s how:

  • Stay Flexible: Warm up with dynamic routines and cool down with athlete protocols. This keeps your muscles stretchy and joints moving smoothly, cutting down on strains and sprains.

  • Core Strength: A solid core keeps you stable and less prone to injuries. Check out core workouts for athletes to boost your balance and protect your lower back.

  • Move Right: Good form is everything. Learn proper movement with biomechanics training to avoid putting too much stress on your joints and muscles.

  • Get Strong: Build muscle with sport-specific strength training. Mix in eccentric and concentric exercises for balanced muscle growth.

  • Explosive Power: Add plyometric training to your routine. It boosts your power and helps your body handle impacts, reducing the risk of injuries like ankle sprains and ACL tears.

Bouncing Back from Injuries

Recovering from an injury takes more than just rest. Here’s what you need to do:

By focusing on smart injury prevention and effective recovery, you can keep performing at your best and avoid future setbacks. For more tips on improving your training, check out our guides on movement quality and stability exercises.

Success Stories and Testimonials

Athlete Achievements

Ready to take your game to the next level? Check out these real-life success stories from athletes who’ve transformed their performance with Acceleration Australia. From rookies to Olympians, everyone’s seeing big gains in speed, strength, and agility.

Take Sarah, for example. She’s a young basketball player who boosted her vertical jump by 6 inches thanks to personalized plyometric training and sport-specific strength training. Then there’s John, a pro sprinter who shaved 0.2 seconds off his 100m dash time after diving into multidirectional speed training and rate of force development training.

Here’s a quick look at some standout achievements:

SarahBasketballIncreased vertical jump by 6 inches
JohnSprintingReduced 100m dash time by 0.2 seconds
EmmaSoccerImproved agility, leading to 30% more successful tackles

Want to boost your own performance? Check out our guide on athletic movement training.

Data-Driven Progress Tracking

Keeping tabs on your progress is key to smashing your athletic goals. At Acceleration Australia, we use cutting-edge tools to track and analyze your performance. Think reactive strength index testing, force plate assessments, and athlete readiness monitoring.

These tools give you a clear picture of your strengths and where you need to improve. For instance, force plate assessments show real-time data on how well you generate power during jumps and sprints. Athlete readiness monitoring keeps an eye on your recovery, making sure you’re training at the right intensity for peak performance.

Reactive Strength IndexRSI TestingMeasures explosive strength
Ground Reaction ForcesForce Plate AssessmentsAnalyzes power generation
Recovery and ReadinessAthlete Readiness MonitoringOptimizes training intensity

Curious about tracking and boosting your performance? Dive into our article on athlete readiness monitoring.

These stories and data-driven methods show how personalized training and innovative tools at Acceleration Australia can help you hit your athletic goals. Follow a custom plan and keep track of your progress, and you’ll see amazing results in no time.

Looking for a coach for plyometric training? We can help – located in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast.

Our personal trainers are located in Brisbane and offer individualised training from multiple locations, offering both in-person and online remote training tailored to your unique needs and goals. Here’s how you can get started:

  • Book Your Personal Trainer Located in Brisbane Today: Discover the power of individualized coaching by visiting our Individualised Training page.
  • Explore Personal Training Options: Elevate your fitness with our expert coaches. For more details, visit our Personal Training page.
  • Contact Us: Ready to take the first step? Simply fill out our Contact Us form or give us a call at 07 3859 6000.

Our personal trainers located in Brisbane aren’t always in the office during non-training hours so please leave them a voicemail if you can’t get ahold of them!

  • For all enquiries and questions please call: 3859 6000 (Select 1)
  • Acceleration Brisbane Central, Auchenflower: 3859 6000 (Select 2)
  • Acceleration Brisbane East, Chandler: 3859 6000 (Select 3)
  • Acceleration Gold Coast, Southport: 3859 6000 (Select 4)
  • Acceleration Brisbane North, Sandgate: 3859 6000 (Select 5)

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